Saturday, August 20, 2011

Waste Time

Finally I gotten better … In fact, I am happy to be healthy again. Being Healthy holds a totally different meaning to me now.

The title of today’s reflection is, I admit, intentionally misleading. Today’s goal really is not to waste time itself, but to become more aware of the ways in which we all waste time. All of us have habits or practices that are not as efficient as we might like them to be. As middle managers, we hold on to responsibilities that could be more productively be delegated to others. We have long emails when recipients are unlikely to care to complete reading. Or we may agonize over the punctuation marks in examination papers. It is possible, too, that we may waste time working with a committee for months to develop a learning package that is not used the following year, or outlining a new procedure that is not measurably different from what we could have found already in place at other schools.

It is now my goal to be conscious of how I spend my time from moment to moment. Having gone through a period where I was “so weak to do anything”, I am more convinced of this now. As I am currently doing the review of ICT implementation, I intend to identify at least 3 practices that I think are not the most productive use of my time. At the same time, I will consider what could I accomplish for the benefit for my students instead I had directed my energy toward goals which will make a more significant difference to my students and teachers.

1 comment:

  1. True, if only each of us take stock of how we use time; this world, our school will be a better place where things that really matter gets done.
