Monday, March 17, 2014

Affairs of the Heart – My Takeaway

Today when I heard my school leaders talk about us dedicating ourselves to possibilities – I told myself, “They had a lot of heart.”

In my previous job, we are often divorce our emotions from a situation and approach things purely rationally. Hence, the phrase “It’s not personal, it’s just business” is often used.

As I go about my leadership journey this year, I am holding onto a differing view about leadership – that leaders must be the most open and caring. Leaders should be able to demonstrate most affection towards others and want others to be more open to them.  

I need to be more positive and passionate, more caring, and more grateful and encouraging than before. That is why I am trying to write more “Thank You” emails and notes to both teachers and students. Why is this so? Pure and simply, there can be no improvements of human performance without paying attention to the human heart. Only when the heart is liberated both my own and others will great things can be done. I heard and agree of this “.. people work harder and more effectively for people they like.” There is definitely much deeper human connection when people are engaged with those they care about when doing things that really matter.

My school leader also spoke about “looking back and not leaving anyone behind.” I see that this can be done by understanding the needs of my teachers and interacting with them in ways that make others feel more confident and capable. In this way, my teachers can be elevated – thereby heightening their positive emotions and enhancing their well-being which can result in improved performance.

And I know that it will not be easy task – but I will say, “It will take a lot of heart to do what I intend to and I will not give up!”

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